Ranking System

Ranking System:

  1. A Team will get 4 points per round upon participation (Each player get 2 points).
  2. Players will be awarded points if their team scored Top 10 in the competition.
  3. Anyone of the Championship with less than 20 players, no prize or ranking will be set up.
  4. All the players and Guests be invited by Committee can received Points but only players can get the Prize Money.
Rank Points (Each player get 2 points)
1st 22
2nd 20
3rd 18
4th 16
5th 14
6th 12
7th 10
8th 8
9th 6
10th 4
Participating points 4

Order of Merit

The prize money won in the monthly competitions will count towards the order of merit, and will be issued in the Grand Final.